Ekspor Limbah Berkualitas Tinggi

Kami menyediakan solusi ekspor limbah lidi sawit, benih bibit sawit dan rumah kayu

Limbah Lidi Sawit

Ekspor limbah sawit berkualitas untuk kebutuhan industri.

Menyediakan bibit benih sawit yang berkualitas untuk kebutuhan industri perkebunan

Rumah kayu dari bahan kayu yang berkualitas tinggi.

Benih Bibit Sawit
Rumah Kayu

Tentang Sandy Indonesia

Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam ekspor limbah lidi sawit, rempah-rempah, benih bibit sawit, sapu lidi dan rumah kayu serta berkomitmen untuk kualitas dan keberlanjutan.

Visi dan Misi
Komitmen Kami

Dengan pengalaman dan keahlian, kami menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar global, sambil mendukung praktik bisnis yang ramah lingkungan.

Layanan Kami

Kami menyediakan layanan ekspor limbah lidi sawit, benih bibit sawit, rumah kayu, olahan kayu, furnitur, dan sapu lidi.

Ekspor Limbah Lidi Sawit

Kami mengkhususkan diri dalam ekspor limbah lidi sawit dan produk terkait untuk pasar internasional.

A wooden chair back is partially covered by the leaves of a potted palm plant. The white wall creates a clean backdrop, and the wooden tabletop is visible at the bottom.
A wooden chair back is partially covered by the leaves of a potted palm plant. The white wall creates a clean backdrop, and the wooden tabletop is visible at the bottom.
Benih Bibit Sawit

Hasil seleksi terbaik untuk produktivitas tinggi dan ketahanan optimal.

Rumah Kayu Berkualitas
A close-up view of green palm leaves is seen with a blurred background of wooden garden furniture sitting on a grassy lawn. The scene appears to be outdoors, possibly in a garden or park area.
A close-up view of green palm leaves is seen with a blurred background of wooden garden furniture sitting on a grassy lawn. The scene appears to be outdoors, possibly in a garden or park area.
A tropical outdoor seating area featuring wicker furniture with cushions is arranged on a wooden deck. The structure has a thatched roof, supported by wooden beams, and is surrounded by lush palm trees under a vibrant blue sky.
A tropical outdoor seating area featuring wicker furniture with cushions is arranged on a wooden deck. The structure has a thatched roof, supported by wooden beams, and is surrounded by lush palm trees under a vibrant blue sky.

Desain unik dan kokoh, cocok untuk hunian, vila, atau resort dengan konsep alami.


Lihat produk limbah lidi sawit, benih bibit sawit, dan rumah kayu

Layanan ekspor limbah lidi sawit dari Sandy Indonesia sangat memuaskan, produk berkualitas dan pengiriman tepat waktu.

Wendy Karly

A potted green palm plant is positioned next to a modern white chair with wooden legs. The background features a white wall adorned with evenly spaced black plus signs.
A potted green palm plant is positioned next to a modern white chair with wooden legs. The background features a white wall adorned with evenly spaced black plus signs.
Lush green palm leaves extend prominently across the scene, creating a dense, tropical atmosphere. Below the leaves, a wooden deck is visible, bordered by a metal railing. In the background, there are architectural elements, possibly parts of a building, visible through the foliage.
Lush green palm leaves extend prominently across the scene, creating a dense, tropical atmosphere. Below the leaves, a wooden deck is visible, bordered by a metal railing. In the background, there are architectural elements, possibly parts of a building, visible through the foliage.
